Professional bodies unite to urge Chancellor to improve HMRC service levels

1 March 2023

HM Revenue & Customs written in stone on their building entrance

The heads of ten leading UK professional bodies have signed an open letter urging the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, to prioritise investment in HMRC’s service levels in his upcoming Budget statement on 15 March 2023.

The group of professional bodies represent hundreds of thousands of accountancy and tax advisors working across the UK, from small and microbusinesses to multinational organisations.

The letter notes the Public Accounts Committee’s recent claims that £42 billion in taxes have not been collected at a time when HMRC customer service staff numbers have been cut by 24% in the past five years. It also argues that the delays and business disruption faced by their members has become "a regular occurrence when dealing with HMRC" with some businesses waiting upwards of six months for repayment and relief claims.

The signatories of the letter commented: "Our members are increasingly facing severe delays, business disruption and frustration when dealing with HMRC which is having significant ramifications for taxpayers, business owners and their agents. If the government wants to meet its economic objectives and boost productivity, it must invest in improving customer service and effectiveness at HMRC. We urge the Chancellor to treat this as a top priority in his upcoming Budget."

The letter was signed by:

Read the full letter in PDF.