CP22/7: FCA regulated fees and levies: rates proposals for 2022/23

Consultation author

Financial Conduct Authority

Our response published

11 May 2022

Executive summary

AAT questions the lack of transparency provided to professional body supervisors (PBSs) concerning this consultation. OPBAS had indicated to PBSs that it would notify all PBSs, by email, to draw their attention to this year’s fees consultation. AAT has had no indication that this notification happened. In addition, AAT was also not informed by the FCA’s press office, which AAT understands was to be asked to add the PBSs to the list of stakeholders who would be notified whenever relevant consultations are published.

AAT also questions the clarity of the consultation paper. Overall, AAT contends that the consultation paper lacks transparency and does not provide sufficient information to enable the rationale behind the proposed increase in fees to be understood.

Read our response (PDF)