"Future resilience is more important than ever": AAT responds to Access Accountancy report

29 April 2020

A group of people in a circle placing their hands on top of one another's

Access Accountancy, a group of employers and professional bodies dedicated to the improvement of socio-economic diversity within the accountancy profession, has today published its latest Bridge Group Report, Access Accountancy 2017-18. The report, based on research conducted by the Bridge Group on behalf of Access Accountancy, has found that:

  • 93% of participants rated their awareness of careers in professional services/accountancy as "excellent" or "good" following work experience at an accountancy firm, compared to 58% before work experience
  • considering selection, candidates entering accountancy from a higher socio-economic background are 15% more likely to be successful than those from lower such backgrounds
  • 51% of applicants to accountancy firms identify themselves as being of white ethnicity, while 42% of applicants are female.

Responding to today’s report, Adam Williamson, Head of Professional Standards at AAT, said: "As the profession works hard to come to terms with the current coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis, future resilience is more important than ever. We know that diversity of experience and voices adds value in any workplace, and AAT continues to work with the Access Accountancy group to try to open up the profession to people from all backgrounds.

"The latest Bridge Group report shows that there is still a long way to go, but also shows improvement and, importantly, helps us to identify where our resources may best be focused."